Breaking Bad Review

Looking for a legit Breaking Bad Review then pal you are in the wright place. An intense story that grips your attention, brought to life by Vince Gilligan for AMC. That’s Breaking Bad!

Content Info

Total Season5 Season
Release Date5 September 2016
Directed ByGeorge Vincent Gilligan Jr.
Main CharacterBryan Lee Cranston, Aaron Paul
GenreCrime, Drama, Thriller

Plot/Story of Breaking Bad

Walter White was a teacher in New Mexico. Then, he found out he had really serious cancer, Stage III. The doctors said he might only have two years left to live.

This news changed him. Suddenly, he felt like he had nothing to lose. He became really brave, almost fearless.

All he wanted was to make sure his family would be okay after he was gone. So, he decided to do whatever it took, even if it meant getting into some really bad stuff like drugs and crime.

My Breaking Bad Review

It’s a definitely Yes, but it’s not for everyone I must say. The acting, the cinematography and the writing are all top notch no doubt on that .

Looking at it from a critic’s perspective, I can totally understand why it’s been so well received.

However, it is a slow show believe or not. I’d argue that’s essential to the story – Walt’s boredom with his mundane, suburban life is one of the reasons he’s drawn into the Alburquerque underworld.

His colleagues have flashier careers, and he works two jobs where he’s disrespected and underpaid.

Usually most TV series don’t reflect the slowness of everyday life, because it turns the audience off. We don’t want to see people eating breakfast or driving to work – we want to see car chases, explosions, and shoot-out u know some fast actions .

We watch TV to escape our everyday lives, not see it reflected back at us, which is why I totally understand why some people will be turned off Breaking Bad, particularly the early seasons which are a little bit more slow runner.

But, if you do stick with it with some patience, Trust me this is going to worth your time.

it really is a fantastic show. The characters are complex, intelligent and entertaining, the emotional high points will leave you reeling, and when the action does go down, it’s superb.

Breaking Bad Quotes

“My name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go f— yourself.”

Season 5, Episode 14

“Shut the f— up and let me die in peace.”

Season 5, Episode 7

“I’m not in the meth business. I’m in the empire business.”

Season 5, Episode 6

Rating for Breaking Bad Review

IMDB Rating9.5/10
My Rating 9.5/10

For reference you can see the IMDB page for Breaking Bad Review

Snapshot of Breaking Bad Review

Breaking Bad Review

Snapshot is courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment & AMC, all Rights belong to AMC & Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Streaming Options for Breaking Bad

You can watch this amazing show in lots of places, like Netflix, Amazon Prime, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, and more.

But it’s important to watch it legally I know you might be tempted to use those free sites but my suggestion is to choose the legit way because creators deserve to be paid for their work.

So, choose the legal way and support the people behind the show.

Winding up the Breaking Bad Review

I really hope you enjoy reading my Breaking Bad Review. It’s a piece I wrote based on my own personal experiences with the show.

If you find this article interesting, you might also want to check out some other reviews I’ve done, like the one for the movie Watch Dogs.

Your feedback on the comment box below would be greatly appreciated.

FAQ’s of Breaking Bad

  1. How many season in Breaking Bad?

    There are total 5 Seasons in breaking bad.

  2. Is Jesse Pinkman dead?

    No Jesse Pinkman is not dead.

  3. Is Walter White dead?

    yes he is dead.

  4. Will there be more season of Breaking Bad?

    No, as the show is been concluded.

  5. What is its say on Jesse Pinkman Voicemail?

    It says – Yo, yo, yo! 1-4-8-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9. Representin’ the ABQ. What up, Biatch!? Leave it at the tone.

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I’m a dedicated movie and web series enthusiast, constantly exploring the vast and diverse world of Hollywood productions. With over a decade of experience immersed in the cinematic planet, I’ve developed a deep appreciation for storytelling, character development, and the artistry behind every frame.

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