Custom Review

you can now request reviews for any movie or web series that hasn’t yet graced my website.

How does it work?

It’s simple. Just fill out this quick form. Tell me your name and email so i can keep in touch, then let me know the title of the movie or web series you’re itching to hear more about. Don’t forget to specify whether it’s a movie or a web series – i want to make sure that i am reviewing the right content for you. And to make it even easier for me to spot your request, feel free to upload a poster or cover of the movie or series you’re interested in.

Once we receive your request, i will be dedicated to your given task. I’ll watch, analyze, and dissect your chosen title with the same level of detail and passion that i put into all my reviews. And before you know it, your requested review will be live on my website, ready for you and fellow movie enthusiasts to devour.